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    By Car:

    - Valdichiana exit from the A1 highway (for those coming from the north). Then follow the signs to Pienza.
    - For those coming from the south: exit the A1 highway at Chiusi-Chianciano Terme and first follow the signs for Montepulciano then for Pienza.
    - Arrived in Pienza turn on the left, follow the signs for Monte Amiata, go down towards the valley for about 1 Km. We are on the right ( 500 metres away from the end of the city walls).
    From Siena direction Rome
    (S.S. CASSIA) for about 50 km. Exit S.QUIRICO D'ORCIA direction PIENZA.
    Arrived in Pienza turn on the left, follow the signs for Monte Amiata, go down towards the valley for about 1 Km. We are on the right ( 500 metres away from the end of the city walls).
    GPS: 43.0737, 11.6755

    By train:

    Colombaiolo farmhouse is 25 km away from Chiusi Train Station.

    By plane:

    Colombaiolo farmhouse is 120 km away from Florence airport.

